We represent several thousand IT professionals from a broad range of specialisations and we believe that all IT professionals should get the respect, recognition and reward they deserve.

We bring IT professionals together not only to work for better wages and to ensure your rights are protected, but to help resolve the issues facing your profession.

IT professionals are employed across all industries by multi-national big business as well as in small business, or as consultants and contractors. The importance of government policy and professional standards is essential to the growth of the sector. Given the breadth and individual nature of types of employment in the IT industry it can be difficult to unify and present concerns to government to influence policy that will build a strong future.


There are many concerns that need to be addressed such as skills shortages, the promulgation of a national IT skills framework, the disparate needs of contracting professionals compared to the permanently employed IT workforce and professional recognition for IT professionals. We can connect IT professionals and give you a voice in Canberra on these issues.

We are committed to providing the highest standard of workplace advice and support to our members and advocating on their behalf so that they are heard by government and industry.

If you would like to learn more about the work we do with senior scientists in Australia, please click here: http://www.professionalsaustralia.org.au/information-technology/

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