
We represent several thousand professional scientists from a broad range of specialisations including health science, automotive design, biomedical science, ecology, veterinary science, neuroscience, mental health, genetics and genomics, astronomy, biochemistry, mineral processing, environmental science, defence research, synchrotron science, environmental science, immunology, surveying and water science and we believe that all scientists should get the respect, recognition and reward they deserve.

We bring scientists together not only to work for better wages and to ensure your rights are protected, but to help resolve the issues facing your profession.


We promote the views of our scientist members on a wide range of policy issues to government, industry and the community.

We have three objectives:

  • to provide a strong voice for professional scientists. This includes considering the kind of support, policies and practices at the enterprise and structural levels that will be necessary to create a sustainable science workforce capable of realising optimal levels of innovation, productivity and competitiveness
  • to play a leading role in encouraging dialogue between industry, government and the higher education sector. This means advocating for investment and structural reforms, building the platforms for collaboration and change and initiating and leading projects to foster collaboration
  • to promote public understanding of science and the key role professional scientists play in ensuring Australia’s future. This involves influencing public policy and resource allocation decisions and promoting the value of science to decision-makers and the wider community.

We seek to highlight the critical role science plays in enabling productivity and innovation, promoting economic prosperity, protecting the environment and improving human welfare and quality of life. In doing so, we raise the status of the profession and the professionals who work in it.

If you would like to learn more about the work we do with senior scientists in Australia, please click here:

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