Are you a student looking for a job but don’t know where to start?

Job searching can be difficult and intimidating

Young Professionals Australia can help you find the right job.

The right strategy when searching for positions can make all the difference. Speaking to one of our career coaches today gives you the direction and advantage to secure the right job for you.

Our Career coaches

  • Make sure you fully understand all your industry options
  • Identify the organisations you are most suited for
  • Tailor your resume to been seen by Hiring Managers pre-screening checks
  • Provide the training to succeed in the interview process
  • And in some cases, provide you with a resume template to get you started

Young Professionals Australia has helped thousands of students just like you get the job you want.

Get the advantage today


Being an engineering student, science student, pharmacy student, architecture student or IT student or resume review services and career services and really help you land that dream job.

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Become a member of YPA

Young Professionals Australia is part of Professionals Australia, a contemporary and innovative union, representing the industrial and professional interests of over 20,000 professional employees across the country.

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